February 6, 2015In addition to an avid storyteller an accomplished author, Gloria is active in her community. The photos below will soon be incorporated into her blog so be sure to come back soon for the full story and even more inspiration!

Best-selling author of The Art of Racing in the Rain, his new book A Sudden Light, and one of my favorites Raven Stole the Moon.

Best-selling author of The Art of Racing in the Rain, his new book A Sudden Light, and one of my favorites Raven Stole the Moon.

Gene Tagaban (
fetured storyteller Duwamish Longhouse in West Seattle.

From left Cherie Trebon, Debra Harris-Branham, Margary Reed MacDonald, Pat Peterson, Johnny Moses (standing in for Vi Hilbert, who past away)
Naomi Baltuck, seated Sharon Creeden

Coast Salish Native American, Master Storyteller, oral historian, healer and respected spiritual leader.
Johnny is fluent in English as well as eight native languages and can also tell stories in traditional sign language.

Coast Salish Native American, Master Storyteller, oral historian, healer and respected spiritual leader.
Johnny is fluent in English as well as eight native languages and can also tell stories in traditional sign language.

Award Winning Author and Storyteller

Merna Hetch was a 2008 recipient of the NSN Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling
through her work at BRIDGES: A Center for Greiving Children
Allison Cox, storyteller, social-worker, therapist, educator co-editor of The Healing Heart

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